Friday, March 4, 2016

Week 9

Back in business after the winter holidays!

During last week's break the Programming team has worked on the prototype of the app for the upcoming ICT-Showroom. So far the HTML frame for the app is ready concerning the index page (drop down lists) and the spinning wheel. Now it only needs some further work on how to transfer the information the user chooses (industry, company size and sick days) to the next page - the spinning wheel.

The team has also worked on the animation for the spinning wheel, the part where the block in the spinning wheel expands with additional information about the block in focus.

The Graphic team worked on the image for the spinning wheel, as we now got the color schemes and figures from Terveystalo.

When it comes to the promotional poster for ICT Showroom, the first version on the poster, has been finished which can be seen below. Clicking the picture below you can see a larger image. We discussed the color scheme and the text on the poster, and on Friday  some additional color schemes for the poster was presented. The texts still needs some modification and he'll still work on the final version of the poster during the weekend.

By next Monday we should have at least a partially working prototype and a finalized poster for the ICT Showroom, which will be on Thursday, the 10th of March. We have invited a representative from over our Project Owner to visit our stand on that day.

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