Thursday, April 21, 2016

Week 15

On Wednesday we looked at the prototype that has been further worked on by the programming team. For instance the video is now working on the wheel. We are still missing the package calculation formula. Hopefully we'll receive them soon. The prototype now only needs some other minor tweaks, such as changing some colors.

As for the documentation, the working hours and attendance has now been counted. We decided to estimate the amount of hours per student, as there is some differences in the amount of work. Everyone has done their part of the assigned tasks, so in that matter there is no problem.

The rest of the week the group continued the work on their assigned tasks.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Week 14

Our main topic of discussion was the negative things that has come up lately. Communication and some general motivation were named as the main problems. Every project has their problems, the way to resolve is to discuss openly about things and solve the problems at hand. The graphics have been worked on further, as well as the CSS.

It was decided that Li will do the final pitching of the project. It was originally decided that Valtteri was going to do it, but to divide the group work more evenly Li is going to do the pitch, as Valtteri has spent a lot of time working on the prototype. 

On Thursday we were scheduled to have a meeting with our project owner, but it was unfortunately rescheduled. The date of the meeting is now April 22nd.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Week 13

This week we continued the work on the prototype, with improved movement of the wheel. The programming team were assigned to further work on the CSS. There was some problems with creating the new CSS, as it was unclear how the new version of the prototype would turn out. 

The documentation is well on its way, but we can't finish it yet, due to the reason that there is still some time until this course is ending.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Week 11 and 12

The time after the ICT Showroom has been a bit less hectic than before. We have now divided the tasks for the remaining time. Valtteri will continue working on the HTML and JavaScript. Iiro will polish the graphics for the app. Li and Michael will continue working on the CSS for the web app. The remaining task, meaning the documentation will be divided between Alex, Roosa and Haris.

The biggest change with the app will be that, we'll remove the "click me" button, that makes the wheel spin. Instead the spinning will be applied when clicking the wheel itself.

We will have a Skype meeting with our Project Owner on the 8th of April, where we'll hopefully get some additional information and some valuable feedback on our app.

Friday, March 18, 2016

ICT Showroom


Last Thursday it was time for the ICT Showroom - introducing and pitching our web app. We had some trouble before the ICT Showroom, with our project description and poster. Due to reasons we couldn't really do anything about, our project description didn't make the deadline. Luckily our poster made it, so that we had our poster at the Showroom!

All in all, the ICT Showroom went well. The preparations for the Showroom was left to the last minute, so we almost didn't have enough laptops at the event. So there was room for improvement in that matter.

A common problem that has seemed to be before, is that people haven't really understood the problem we are solving with our web app, but it seemed that people who visited our stand really understood our problem and our team was able to explain our project in a way so that people could understand. Many different types of people visited our stand and it seemed that they were interested in our project and web app. Valtteri did most of our pitching and he really did excellent work on that!

A typical issue with events like this, is that there will always be things that go wrong, technical problems etc. So one has to really be prepared for anything and have back-up plans. Luckily everything went the way we wanted at the event!

Part of our team: Valtteri, Iiro, Haris and Michael. Missing frin the picture is Alex, Li and Roosa

Hard at work - pitching our idea

Friday, March 4, 2016

Week 9

Back in business after the winter holidays!

During last week's break the Programming team has worked on the prototype of the app for the upcoming ICT-Showroom. So far the HTML frame for the app is ready concerning the index page (drop down lists) and the spinning wheel. Now it only needs some further work on how to transfer the information the user chooses (industry, company size and sick days) to the next page - the spinning wheel.

The team has also worked on the animation for the spinning wheel, the part where the block in the spinning wheel expands with additional information about the block in focus.

The Graphic team worked on the image for the spinning wheel, as we now got the color schemes and figures from Terveystalo.

When it comes to the promotional poster for ICT Showroom, the first version on the poster, has been finished which can be seen below. Clicking the picture below you can see a larger image. We discussed the color scheme and the text on the poster, and on Friday  some additional color schemes for the poster was presented. The texts still needs some modification and he'll still work on the final version of the poster during the weekend.

By next Monday we should have at least a partially working prototype and a finalized poster for the ICT Showroom, which will be on Thursday, the 10th of March. We have invited a representative from over our Project Owner to visit our stand on that day.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Week 7

Work done on Wednesday

On Wednesday we looked at the current version of the mock-up. By Friday the mock-up was done. Now just needs the different elements need to be separated, work on them a little bit further, so that they can be used in the app.

We also discussed the coding of our solution. We agreed upon the name of the different elements, attributes and classes, so that the different group member's separate coding can be easily combined. Further we decided who will be coding the HTML and who will be doing the CSS.

On Wednesday we looked at the video that was done for the ICT Showroom. It was well received and only needed some minor changes with timing. The final version is below.